Monday, September 29, 2008

29th September 2008 Movieworld

It was another fantastic day today (although I saw a cloud late in the day) so both families (minus Violet who has to work) went to Movieworld down in Surfers. One of the things we did a lot of through the day was ride the bumper cars. It seems not many people know where they are, so often everyone got off and waited one turn and were back on again - sometimes it was back on straight away. These are the big bumper cars , not the little ones they have always had in Looneytoons village.
Another thing we all had a go at was some of the rides , there were 2 trips on the Wild West Falls ride with some people having 2 goes - for others 1 was enough.
As you can see from this really zoomed in shot Anita was excited to be having a go on this ride.
Then there was the more sedate Road Runner roller coaster for the kids in Looneytoons village. Anita and Hayley are in the back car, with Brad and Liam in front ,and Ashleigh and Connor in front of them. Keiran was there too but out of shot at the back.
Again from the shot you can see Anita really liked this ride too.
Suffice to say , we couldnt talk Anita into any more rides since she didnt like the Kiddy Coaster. Batman is a bit of a favourite for all the boys, we saw him a couple of times, but never saw him to get a photo with him.
Hayley really liked the Sylvester ride , it goes up and down, we think she was faking the excitement becasue she can jump up and down faster than this and probably higher as well.

Ashleigh and Hayley with Bugs and Tweety.
The Taylor Cousins .
Our Family at the end of the day with Bugs and Tweety again.
And Keiran, Liam and Connor with Bugs and Tweety as well.
The Taylor Family just before leaving movieworld - Well be back.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

28 September 2008 Markets and Ikea

It was up at 5:30 again today - but didnt leave to go to the Rocklea markets until about 8:30. We spent a couple of hours there wandering around wondering why you cant buy plants and goldfish like that in New Zealand. (3 comets for $5 and big flash gold fish for $6).
At midday we went to Ikea for a wander around and then lunch with the famous $2 hotdog with bottomless soft drink (extra hotdogs are another $1).
Bradley and Liam tucking into their hot dog.
When we got home we finished emptying the pool - gave it a clean out and its refilling right this minute! - it was 33 degrees here this afternoon - thats why we are getting onto getting the pool done.
Keiran and Bradley refilling the pool.

27th September 2008 Fishing and Harbourtown

There werent any markets on today worth going to so we packed up the fishing gear and headed to the coast. We dropped Ashleigh and Anita off at Harbourtown factory shopping and went to paradise Pt. The kids had a bit of fun before they got sick of not catching anything and then we moved round the corner to the playpark and beach.

On a surfers beach theres always a lot of hot chicks , but not this beach.
Wait - Keiran found some - photo courtesy of Keiran.Darryl shot back to Harbourtown and picked up Anita , Ashleigh and Lunch and we went back to the beach for a picnic. Keiran and the kids made a sandcastle and then the kids had a splash in the water.

We shot back to harbourtown for a last minute look before heading home after 5pm.Bradley Connor and Liam hanging around outside the shops.

26th September 2008 Yardwork and Shopping

Darryl spent the whole morning from 7:30 am til lunchtime mowing the lawns - 1.5 acres of lawn is a lot of lawn. Bradley had a go on the ride on mowing the middle area of the back yard. He ran over a snake. He tells everyone he killed it , but by the smell of it it was dead for a while before he got to it. In the afternoon we went down to Browns Plains Grand Plaza shopping centre for a few hours wandering round.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

25th September 2008 Going on Holiday to Queensland

It was up at 4:45 to get ready and head away to the airport. We were on a 7am flight to Auckland then a 9:30 flight over to Brisbane. We were on one of the Boeing 777's setup with the individual entertainment system. Everyone got to watch exactly what they wanted to Darryl watched a movie called Son of Rambow, Anita watch becoming Jane and the kids watch things like Get Smart and a few TV programs as well.
It was 11:30 local time when we arrived in Brisbane, flew through customs and Immigration and quickly picked up the rental car and drove down the road to the DFO.

A couple of hours of shopping later (mostly for Ashleigh) and we picked up some lunch and headed of to Keirans Place.