It was Theme Park day again and we were off to Wet'n'Wild Water park. It was a bit overcast but thats not a bad thing when your wandering around in togs all day. We've been burnt here before.
This is my brother Keiran being told off by the life guards for playing on the under 5's slide.
It was BBQ sausages in bread for lunch before hitting the rides again.
This is the Black hole - totally dark all the way down and real fast for the kids when theres a 100KG person in the back of the tube.
Darryl and Liam exiting the black hole.
Keiran and Connor after a fast ride down.

This is Ashleigh doing the Mach-5 Speed slide (I wouldnt give that a go)
The more people you get in the Mammoth Falls Boat - the faster it goes and the higher it goes up the side of the shute.
This is the Tornado - ive seen it before but didnt want to go near, today I had 2 rides - the second going over the drop backwards was the scariest.
Darryl, Keiran, Connor and Liam on the Tornado.
We pretty much had a go on every slide during the day the Aqua racer, Twister, Speed Coaster, Black Hole, Mammoth Falls, Tornado, Sidewinder, Mach-5, and played at Bucaneer Bay and in the big wave pool.
This is Ashleigh doing the Mach-5 Speed slide (I wouldnt give that a go)
After a long day at the Water park we had a quick toasting of Marshmallows before Darryl fell asleep on the sofa at about 7:30.

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